Hitting my piece at night in the car
Going on a weed and Acid bender this weekend
Acid hiding spot
As a solo smoker I pack my bowls as full as possible and I don't smoke it in one hit should I pack them smaller?
Should i retire her?
Plugman told me this is lower shelf does this look like 100$ an ounce?
King Palms
1.6 oz of Black Cerry
Bowl is stuck anyone know what to do?
Roadside bong rips
Bridgette in all her glory
new cart
My screen is broken
Decorated piece
Does anyone else roll there tip like I do?
What are some your favorite companies / strains I have to try
Solo sesh
Is this a bot?
What Brand and Strain is everyone smoking atm?
My Bong
my first bong! ❤
New setup
Copped these V4’s
Is this hybrid or sum else? Got ts from bro but I threw the box out before I saw
Fake or nah