Karin the Time Traveler by me
Finally reached diamond. Are the any games like Stellar Blade?
Sasha Braus (@lessicosplay)
And still no Godpack. Consider yourself very lucky if you already got one!
Relight 1 and 2 have been added to Netflix in the uk
Worst expansion drop I've ever seen
Shamyin and her squad pull up, how do you react?
Misa Cosplay (from @lessicosplay)
I was mad that I was only getting shit… i shut up now
The Most OP card in the game now
Viper cosplay by me(Rinzcosplayz)
Anime or Movies like Stellar Blade?
Most hated enemy for me!
The luckiest pack I've ever opened... What are the odds?
600 hourglass pulls
It Jiggles