What's a 10/10 album from the last 15 years by a relatively obscure artist/band?
Please stop putting full clan teams against randoms
What made a huge comeback even though everyone thought it was over?
Without actually naming a game, what is your favorite game?
What are some signs that a TV show is running out of ideas?
What word do you pronounce wrong on purpose and why?
Your Week in Anime (Week 215)
Which teacher did you hate the most and why?
Redditors, what is your one true piece of advice?
I've never even heard of this show: [Occultic;Nine]
Redditors that have donated to a Kickstarter...What Did you Donate To? How did the Final Product actually Turn Out?
Job interview
Paying for something using a credit or debit card is basically paying using the idea of money rather than actual money.
Potential Unleashed
DBXV2 Alternate Ending Fight Troubles
As a teenager, what did you swear you'd never grow out of? Were you right?
Watched a lot, looking for more, need a recommendation
[PS4][LTS] Wrath of the Machine, all day today!
[LFS][PS4][WoTM] - Monitors run from 5:30-8:00 EST
[PS4][LFS][WotM] 366LL hunter looking for Sherpa tomorrow (10/16) around 7pm Pacific time
Are personal projects more appealing than higher education?
My 3 year old decided he wanted to play Destiny again. this time a 320 strike.
Never Before Have I Needed the Facepalm Emote So Bad
Why it's so hard to win a game in IB Supremacy