I’m too lazy to eat and I starve myself but I want to be better but I do nothing in the regard because I physically cannot
Do you have any movie suggestion that involves daydreaming?
Literature recommendations needed: Power and Forms of Government in Democracy
I hate being a new father
I 19M can't stop jerking off to my LDR girlfriend's 19F Photos. How do I stop this?
M23 found girlfriend F23 old NSFW twitter account. Not sure what to do going forward?
A jeni testuar najhere per semundje seksuale?
Favorite love interest for Cooper?
Moving to Bar Harbor in 5 days. Expectations?
Books to read when stoned
Twin peaks reference tattoos?
What good is Foucault if he’s so hard to read?
Hala ka klloshar qe e kajné komunizmin.
My (21f) boyfriend (22m) is grossed out by nudity
What are some scents you just can't stand smelling anymore?
I have a silly question
Shows as mind fuck-y as Twin Peaks?
Vetem perpara
Any film that represents Foucault’s theory on Panopticon or The Apparatus?
How to read Lucretius ancient philosophy when it's so hard to understand the words?
how religious is the average Kosovar?
NoT LiKe OtHer gIrls
Is There A General Order to Reading Philosophy?
Is “Human, All Too Human” a good start with Nietzsche