Can you use a heat mat for a Leachie ?
Are Microgeckos a good first reptile?
Orange on chin/mouth
Guess the weight of this fatass
What disinfectant do you use?
Smyths Journey Together
Gecko hides that aren't brown rocks?
Am I seeing pores?
First Reptile Ever
Found on a uk beach when I was a kid, what is it!?
What yall think Lil man or Lil lady. Will be 2 years old in February
I just want to see your favorite photos of your giant geckos!
What morph is he?
Male or Female?
Someone wanted attention
Hey guys, does lcwra always give you extra money? I'm finding things too good to be true 🤯
2yrd old leachie has a kink in her tail and is stubborn to eat. I tried i upload this but it didn't go through so I shall post the screen shot I took and pictures of kiwi.
Worried about humidity
Please Post Mlem
Lil fella I saw at the zoo today🪩
Crested Gecko biting me? (repost)
He lookin
Can you identify my gecko?
What can I use to hang stuff? Zip ties don't fit.
Tail wiggle meaning⁉️