Birthday next month. Will buy first proper sneaker. Give suggestions!
Is this evaluation up to the mark?
Help with Cortez size PLEASE
Nike Airmax London - DHGate?
Which Bollywood Movie has the Most Tuneful Music ? ( It can be from any Genre )
India's population is the as the EU and Americas combined
AITA for honking my best friend's boob?
Help regarding Nike orders
AITAH? Boyfriend dragged me by my hair.
What should I do?
How are these for 6.5k
Got these for 4.7 K, keep or return
Books that you abandoned mid-reading but deep down you know they deserve another chance?
What’s your favorite way to procrastinate?
A page turner
Books you think about almost daily even years after reading them?
Can you please help me find this pair of jeans?
Books for Gillian Flynn lovers
Beginner Sneakers
Bat in on my speaker this morning
What’s your wildest party story?
What’s a bizarre superstition your family/community believes in?
Roast me! I've heard it all:) I'm 28 years old
Help me choose one!