A letter to GGG (if this is a filler voided event anyway)
What did it cost, no Writhing Jar ...
Where woman
Sometimes you just dont understand the decision making
If you think this is the worst trading system can get wait til EA. ends
Bring Me An Auction House!
Is there anything I can do about getting scammed?
State of trade is bad
Why do some players list items at such a low prices?
Can we remove some of thr poe1 team to get back to the real game?
Auction house/market
The State of Trade
Official: Update on Path of Exile 1
I'm not a fan of AURF.
Auction house!!!
Did anybody told you Necro+Settlers was the last league of PoE1 ?
After Jonathan's update
Why are people bitching so much, we waited a fucking year for urf
Just bought PoE2
Ppl who GENUINLY like All Random ARURF
Finally joined yall
This is the face of an ARURF enjoyer
Lets goo
Trading is broken