[XB] H: Leaders W: Caps
H: 30k caps W: 10 leaders
[XB] H: Leaders W: Steel
H: 75 Leaders W: Ultracite Emergency Protocols Plan
H: trades (list below) W: Offers or items off wish list
H: max cap W: leaders
H: 4* Mods W: Leaders
H: 20k caps W: 10 leaders
H: x5 intelligence 2 star W: 15 leaders
H:mod**** W: 25 Leader each
H: Gsbq, Gsb, Ghb, Glowbot W: Leaders
H: Leader W: loon x3 demon buffoon hag x3 bramine x4 Dc x2 raven x2 winter x2
H: Pinpointers W: 75 Leaders
[XB] H: Loon Masks W: Leader Bobbleheads
[XB] H: Glowing Unicorn Mask W: Leader or Apparel Offers
W: loon and hag masks H: leaders, mods
Market 76 Secret Santa Gift Exchange!
H: Loon, Fiend, Hag or USA Mask W: Leaders or Rare Apparel Offers Please
H:tfj and lc W:leaders or glow mask bundle or 2 red dress or two glow unicorn
H: TLC W: fas mask offers
H: caps W: powered or explosive mods (name your price)
H: 3500 leaders W: LC + glow unicorn
H: Leaders W: tradable Q25/25 AD or HM
What’s the best roll for an alien blaster?