Someone might need to help me out with the song "Key West".
Daysleeper song opinions?
Why ‘Blonde on Blonde’?
I’m a 34 year old woman, is it too late for me to find the one and have children?
Black Country, New Road are on a different path now
Covers that are better than the actual song?
What are some bad albums by good bands?
Can you think of anyone else who fits Bob's profile in terms of the following: well-known (high); mainstream (low); status (legendary); dislike outside of fan base (high)?
Songs for when you're sad/depressed/bitter about how the world is turning out?
Holy shit this song is amazing
How long does the push-pull cycle take? Is there much deviation?
Post some of your takes that would get you crucified or classified as insane
What is your favorite sitcom?
Full page UK print ad for Losing My Religion in Melody Maker - March 2, 1991
Is your favourite TN album the first one you (properly) listened to?
Scorching hot take: I don’t care for blood on the tracks
Accelerate or Collapse into Now
What do you think is Bobs best vocal performance?
28 Years Later: Part 3 will start filming on March 31, 2025. Danny Boyle will return to direct the 3rd and final film of the trilogy.
What Dylan song would you pair with this Dylan painting?
What is REM’s most underrated album?
R.E.M.’s Best Songs by Compilation: Part Lies, Part Heart, Part Truth, Part Garbage 1982–2011
"Doctor Who fans – and its writers – need to grow up" - A Response
R.E.M. - Lotus (Official HD Music Video)
Song recommendations for somebody who only likes Ballad of a Thin Man?