Changes to 'Crunch' talent
Friends make a fake Toyota Tundra commercial (source @bumbasee on IG)
Finally got every plushie from the Shiny Wasabi Kitty Claw machine!
I took my first Estradiol tablet last night and I woke up with D cups. What happened‽‽‽ (Wrong answers only)
Reminder to write a review on Steam - Lets help Andrew get more subscribers
Grim Protocols - Patch Notes - Pt. 2
Any way to set a certain past action as default?
AITA for getting my coworker fired after she kept trying to "prove" my service dog is fake?
Guys pls don't stay in front of the elevator on Vigil Station... the position under the building is better cover and you get to kill the climbing snipers and gunners
hand tattoos at 20?
Am i cursed? or do other vets just refuse to use ammo perk?
Is there a technical limitation preventing all Commodore's Vestures being sold at once?
Hard learning curve or am I just terrible?
The Commodore's Vestures prices are egregious
Can a weapon's stats be changed?
Want to try trail running - where to start?
Would you rather $5 million or complete control over your sleep and dreams?
I never see other Ogryns use the rumbler. Why? It’s fantastic
Let them eat cake
Japan's medical schools have quietly rigged exam scores for more than a decade to keep women out of school. Up to 20 points out of 80 were deducted for girls, but even then, some girls still got in.
Has this happened to anyone else? Arthur turned black
Morning moisturiser with SPF 30/50 recommendations?