Are you getting mlb the show 25? Why or why not.
My first and only bundle
What format do you guys recommend for topps series 1?
🚨 Activision casually glossing over the fact that they want you to pay $80+ if you want the 4 Turtles, plus another $10+ if you want the TMNT event pass rewards. Call of Duty's Gross greed strikes again... DESPICABLE! 🖕 🚨
4 years of development….
Opinions on the GPR 91?
someone trynna join my lobby and camo grind together i jst need the zombiz one
is there a way to skip this stupid mission, i don tfeel like getting jump scared, i hate zombies, and i want to complete the campaign, but this mission i just a no go for me
Holiday spirit continued 🎄 ⚾️ 🇺🇸
Giveaway! 2 Bowman Mega Box Base Packs-Just leave a comment. Random winner picked in 24 hours. Good Luck!
Are you pre-ordering at this price, or waiting till release to purchase?
Giveaway! Drop a number between 0-2222 for the winner to be drawn tomorrow evening!
What do u guys think about bowman chrome?
Offers for anything? Looking to get out of the sport
My pc parts for a pc
Is it worth getting 64 gigs of ram other then 32 gigs
Hey i want to start streaming and gaming on a pc an suggestions? My budget is 3000$CAD
Should i go full tower or mid tower guys🤔
What pc should i get a mid tower or a full tower
I need a good starter pc
New gat :)
wtf based poland?
Just traded a snow wolf 50.Cal for this
So i really like this girl but she wont add me back on snapchat and yes i know her in real life any advice?
Airsoft warhead industries motor please help!