Kat players, what was the hardest pill you had to swallow learning how to play as she gets progressively overshadowed as an assassin🥲
i miss playing katarina :( is she even worse now?
Any idea how common this card is to pull?
Kentro (product elevation platform) can someone verify the legitimacy of this type of work
Angel Bracing Ladder vs Narukami Stunverse
Tier list on Rezael cards
Gandeeva ability question
Bastion Accord Cont Skill Ruling
Information to start
Will gravidia ever be meta???
What is "Your Vanguard"?
Cardfight Vanguard!!
What color represents Raika?
Just curious: Are there any female VG players in this community? If so, what brought you guys to this game and what decks/aesthetic/playstyle do you guys like to play?
Cardshop in New York?
Brainwash swirler in drajeweled masques
Gandeeva weakness?
How do you have fun not winning with meta decks in this game?
What are some cards that need a reprint badly?
Can I be a good player if I am not a type that doesn't think ahead and calculate meticulously?
I went to locals with a fun deck and lucksacked my way to going 5-1
How to have fun even when using tier 2 deck and keep losing?
Kat Build Guide
Hi guys, I have a question about Katarina, if their abilities apply on-hit effect, except Q, isn't lifesteal better that tenacity?
How do I tell this person he's wrong?