The brothers 🤪
Edna messed with the wrong lady (even though Mrs Hughes took a huge gamble) 👏
Claire letting Phil win tops anything Phil has done over the course of the series
The boys and their crushes 😂
Tom’s response to Lord Grantham’s suggestion of leaving baby Sybil while he goes away, was just beautiful…
Alex had the perfect solution to Haley’s flat battery….(I loved each time Haley fell for her ‘advice’)😆
Ahh, he was so good at putting people in their place 👍
Big Plans for the Future
Cam coddling or just being an over protective parent? Whatever it was, it was hilarious 😆
how old are u, lol?
Photos of your beautiful country
Jay’s love for his dog was everything 🤣
That beautiful moment when Matthew gained his ability to walk after Lavinia tripped ❤️
Gloria being the role model 👏👏
The chaos in this episode is unmatched. Javier the body is not even cold yet💀
He may have played the goofy son in law, but Jay knows he’s always been the one for Claire
Classic Cypriot Parking
Am I the only nincompoop that actually enjoys the Fake Patrick storyline?
Manny’s letter brings Jay to tears. I love how Gloria shows little emotion 🤣
How I loved it when O’Brien was put in her place.
People are giving money now?
Love how Cam could never hide his true feelings (with a splash of snarkiness🤣)
Another one of the best heartwarming moments when Robert announces the end of the war ❤️
WAIT A MINUTE…..maybe Phil was sexy????