Being Asperger is being a monster…
Considering quitting my office job even though it’s using my major to become an Amazon or FedEx delivery driver
My life with Asperger’s
Are you “lazy”?
Guys I got the top 1% comment badge😔 I don't know if that is good or bad
Hot take: Katanas are overrated
Masking too much?
Do you guys feel like when you try to talk about yourself you end up feeling like an exhibit?
I got rejected..
Neurodivergent power in business
What helps when having autism makes you feel like you're an underachiever in life?
Do neurotypical people avoid you in the workplace?
Does anybody else have this feeling
How to go through with autism test and is it worth?
How my special interest and hyperfixations affect me:
I don't get this thing about people with autism/Asperger's having a child-like side when everyone seems to have one.
Do you ever feel people are only nice to you as a form of charity?
Anyone else know lots of words yet struggle to recall them when speaking?
I have a question....
Dating in the US
Tomorrow you wake up with Superman's super powers. What's the first thing you do?
what are some really bad common life choices?
What are the common mistakes men do when approaching a woman you liked for the first time?
I think I'm gaining a new interest and I don't want to... please help