Why Are Things Are So Horrible Right Now In The West? Here’s The Best Answer: We’re In a Fourth Turning.
Long Ages + Crisis off have become musts for me
What’s your team??????
What's going on with Kanye's behaviour on twitter?
FF VIII is on sale right now, is it worth getting?
People misuse the term 'sociopath' when talking about Tony or any of his associates
If Barack and Michelle Obama both posted in r/whowouldwin, who could make the more viral prompt?
FWI: High speed internet disappears overnight
Which place do you think is the most beautiful in the series?
Which game’s “Home Screen” music do you like the most?
If Billions is the best at something, it's at establishing shots of NYC
Sorta new to the series
What do you guys think?
This isn't about the overall quality of each game just how it feels like the dungeons feel boring in comparison in the newer games compared to the older ones
Jean Luc Picard and William Adama switch places. Who does better? (Minor spoilers)
Must play games that are only 15-20 hours long?
One movie you loved as a kid, only to watch it as an adult and realize it's absolute trash
1.000.000 Jackie-Chans vs Godzilla
Which final boss has the best OST, and which has the worst?
What is your biggest unpopular opinion of Final Fantasy?
How does immortality work in Elden ring?
What video game is too easy on normal but too hard on hard?
In this scenario, choose one Box to play
What fromsoft game lines you can’t unhear without thinking of the one who said it
What's your favorite summon that's just okay?