How long does pre molt last?
Gone but never forgotten. 14 years wasn’t enough with you, I miss you so much!
When to rehouse
Bumpy mole on dogs neck
Corporate ownership of veterinary clinics
Fluctuating glucose levels. Desperate for answers
Best glucose meter
Best glucose meter for cats
Eye Doctor Question
This gorgeous girl showed up pregnant at our door almost 12 years ago. Her babies passed earlier this year at 11 yrs old but she's still thriving. Exact age unknown.
I just wanna be part of a community but I keep getting accused of animal abuse in the forums
Husband still treats me like a SAHM
I’ve got 99 problems but age ain’t one. Ozzy, 13 years young.
WTF? An entire stomach tat
Why do my plants always die?
Something I noticed about her ultrasound picture
Please help me and tell me what’s wrong (the photos was them before and after)
Say Krabby Patty again, I dare you!
13-year-old boy charged with first-degree murder after man fatally stabbed in Toronto’s west end
My cat hates one person - viciously attacks my sister on sight
Can I take my neighbors cats
Justin Bieber was failed time and again – he deserves more than an apology
13 years & counting of stealing grocery bags