Studies on exercise as a trigger for long covid?
Current or ex-smokers/ vapers - how did you respond to nicotine patches if you tried them?
What is your current emotional support system ?
Anyone have a succinct article that explains exercise intolerance for Long COVID/ME/CFS?
Goodbye energy drinks 😔
If you had infinite money, how would you be combatting your CFS?
Does anyone else's breathe from deep in their lungs taste "soapy"?
Please help me
The switch in my head
Need help almost 3 years in of suffering
Songs for haulers motivation?
Wanting to know if I'm crazy or if if this sounds about right
Can Anyone Else Not Tolerate Bread (ESPECIALLY CRUST ON END SLICES)
Getting worse
Can warmer climate help?
Have an appointment in a few days. What should I expect?
Insomnia - ME/CFS
Do you take Vitamin D supplements?
What would you do?
can someone please tell me its going to be okay
Relapse of neuropathy in arms
Do you have any songs that have helped you through the the long haul?
Another insomnia post…
Black splotches on vision. Anyone else have this?