Solution for rampant TK?
[Reforger] [Recruiting] [EU] [New & Experienced Players] [Semi-Serious] The Art Of Warfare ( Recruiting Xbox & PC players (not PS5 currently) Recruiting
What are the AI saying when they say "cheeky balba"?
I find early game a tad boring and repetitive. Especially on Everon
Arma pilots are c*nts
Found a holy grail on Temu after 20 years of spending thousands on products.
Some audio effects missing?
How I feel everytime
Conflicts predictable
You guys make this game what it is!
Is there a better way to learn how to play this game other than just jumping into a server? The general lack of support is really frustrating.
straight from the devs themselves. still not enough people know so sharing it here:
Which modded servers actually work on Series X
Official servers.
Thoughts on Reforger's audio?
Supply truck go brrrrrrr
[Reforger] [Recruiting] [EU] [New & Experienced Players] [Semi-Serious] The Art Of Warfare ( Recruiting Xbox & PC players (not PS5 currently)
Your dreams of SQUAD-like experience in Reforger have come true!
Getting so frustrated.
Ćao Beograde! Otvorili smo novi bar u Takovskoj 6 (T6 Belgrade na Instagramu) i svi ste dobrodošlI! Experimental Update
TOP 5 things you hate in vanilla Conflict and want fixed (short answers please)