My cherished final killcam
How Thermite be lookin at you if you haven't thrown your EMP in the first 0.78523 seconds of the round
Worst slump ever (long)
Thoughts on Byron??
Why does my game look extra bright like this? it looks like how your phone looks when you are in sunlight. How do i fix it?
We don't need a Namor bro
Guess the rank
Ubisoft support sucks
"They're running all shields"
“Yeah I’m watching cam’s”
Clubhouse doodle
Console player stuck in pc d1 hell
Recreated Deimos logo
Thatcher Bussin it down
Thanks for HITBOX ubi....
I Came back to siege and i need to ask a few things.
That's...about right
Itsy Bitsy deimos
Rook mains get what I'm saying
Okay, hear me out: We got the GitS:SAC skins so what about?
Looks hype
Who do yall think will get the buzz lightyear skin?
Mexican entertainers trio icons
A Quick replay of year 9 so far:
Average R6 experience