AiG now says Velociraptor is just a bird after saying it’s just a dinosaur for the past 20 years.
Argument against the extreme rarity of functional protein.
The pelvic bone in whales
Entschuldigt ihr euch jetzt bei Stefan?
7vsWild: Was wäre, wenn Stefan das Feuer finalisiert hätte?
Einfach der einzige Mensch der eine andere Folge gesehen hat
Are "microevolution" and "macroevolution" legitimate terms?
how do we know that natural selection happened ?
Does anyone know where to find Gerd Muller speaking at the Royal Society conference 2016?
I am a Creationist, and I don't believe in Evolution. AMA
My friend denies that humans are primates, birds are dinosaurs, and that evolution is real at all.
Das neue Farbdesign von 7 vs. Wild und Bedeutung für Staffel 4
Would like to check if anything this creationist said holds value.
How to critique the falsifiable Adamic Exceptionalism hypothesis?
Neo-Darwinism is dying
Creationists HATE Darwin, but shouldn't they hate Huxley more instead?
Question about Darwin's views on races
Silicone mold does not have a smooth surface.
WTF is Intelligent Design 3.0?
Was Joris damals gebraucht hätte zum Feuer machen
claims to the theory of evolution
What do you think about creationist Subar Ahmad?
Prof. Dave has called out Muslim creationist Subhoor Ahmed
Does anyone know the name of this horror movie?
Creationists stuck with the same age old circular reasoning argument