Just wanted to say ralts stock has gone down
LF Mangerna & Arceus FT PoGo Shiny legendaries and Shiny PoGo Deoxys
LF: Pheromosa shiny stamp go, keldeo stamp go or marshadow
LF shiny Deoxys, either from Emerald or Pogo, willing to hear other offers too!
Lf shiny monkeys
LF: Offers (No genned or 6iv) Please read description
LF: Lvl 15 Shiny PoGo Darkrai / FT: Choice of ball, Custom OT Cosmog
What the fuck is his name?
What's your opinion on roblox ai images on games?
Lf shiny nagandel or poipol, celesteela, xurkitree, pheremosa, nihilego, stakataka (can be genned or duped, eng name) FT: pic
LF Offers(All pogo stamped)
Looking for cherish ball offers, featuring pogo stamped Lopunny, 2:1 or 3:1 if genned or cloned
LF: Walking wake
LF: first pic(pogo stamped) FT: shiny pogo gbl gb cobalion, bb buzzwolle + 3000 more pogo shinies
LF: Shiny PoGo stamped Regidrago, Toxel, G-Corsola, Sandygast, Cetoddle, Baltoy, Flabébé Red/Blue/White/Orange, G-Moltres/Articuno, Rotom, Relicanth, Mr. Mime, Chatot, Kecleon FT: Pics below & see comment for more
LF: Shiny event Diancie
looking for something rare
Ft: shiny pogo necrozma with a custom OT lf: tracker shinies
I need a shiny preferably level 100 breloom Ft: pics
LF Shiny Pogo Stamp offers
LF legit shiny galar moltres FT pic
LF: shiny gigantamax/shiny alpha (I don’t have in pic 5,6)/open offer - FT: pic 1,2,3,4 - thank you
FT: Landorus LF: Offers (Read description)
FT: Galarian Articuno in a normal pokeball LF: Offers
Looking for raging bolt gouging fire terrapagos miraidon koraidon walking wake blood moon ursaluna iron crown iron boulder iron leaves. Will take genned cloned mons