Kanye West is controlled opposition by Israel
Why is there still a lot of anti-LGBT+ in high school
Going to Lizhensk in march - anything I should be mindful of
Guys does anybody know the name of the song
A "jew" from r/jewsofconscience dispenses his great wisdom
[/r/ABoringDystopia] Once again, medieval conspiracy theories being upvoted to the top of a supposedly left-leaning subreddit
(r/conspiracy) classic, age old antisemitic load of BS
Has Kanye West actually gone insane? Is his twitter hacked? Or is this another "any publicity is good publicity" operation?
Dissing religion is not the right way to fight for lgbt rights in religious communities and wanting to eradicate religion is equal to ethnocide and cultural genocide
Dissing religion is not the right way to fight for LGBT rights and it only pisses people off.
NON-AMERICANS, Do you think Americans are less intelligent or educated?
You get the death note, what do you do?
Do you think, at a high level, Christians, Jews, and Muslims worship the same god?
Apparently saying a song is fire is “hate speech” but people can openly comment the full, literal K-word on my friend’s live as well as death threats
"I didn't know ETs were basic" - TikTok is against discrimination against Extra-Terrestrial Beings.
And 5 year old account just gone
Poland is such a boring country and it has almost nothing interesting that has been built post in 21th century to offer
Has anyone noticed that…?
why are people hating on Valentine's
I've been seeing a lot of antisemitism and holocaust denial/false equivalence in youtube comments recently. Has this always been a thing? How much of this reflects public opinion?
Na Nach guy and ba'alat teshuvah walk into a bar*
Astrology Starter Pack
What u guys addicted to?
What do you call this hand gesture?