How I cram in as many triggering topics into one post?
I 21F found out my husband 33M has been having an affair with my mother, and I don’t know where to go from here?
Control much?
Help me understand if I’m wrong
WIBTA if I stopped a tradition among my friend group?
Power and Command Tempest
Being “discovered” origin story
AITA for expecting my brother to turn down a job offer from a place I was rejected from?
Am I wrong for telling her no?
My daughter wants me and her step dad to walk her down the aisle. Am I wrong for telling my daughter no?
Fast track to being an ex
AITA for telling my girlfriend I shouldn’t have to prove that I love her? (27m, 23f)
Ah Reddit the best way two people who exact same situations bond over their posts and now are living together
Joint Update- considering leaving my bf over his conditions for the upcoming trip
The part which got me was when he said now MIL realizes they are sexually active 😂
AITAH for not getting my wife anything for Valentine's Day?
This girls after take all their milk
AIO because I complained about my boyfriend being late for our valentines date?
which is the most op hero to get started?
Happy World Pangolin Day To All Who Celebrate
Entitlement is off the chart
AITA for expecting my parents to give me money for bills?
What’s your favorite Deangelo line?
Pretty sure this a ripoff of a BORU thread
AITAH for leaving warning notes around a guys house for his future girlfriend?
It could be Harvey Fierstein.
My gf is so self absorbed she tried to use my bday to force a wedding proposal
AITA for Leaving My Own Birthday Dinner Because My Girlfriend Turned It Into a Proposal for Herself?
He trained his whole life for this moment
Choice seems pretty obvious
Trapped in a Toxic Affair – Seeking Clarity and a Way Out
The dumbest fight ever. Ever.
AITA for telling my boyfriend that he gave me the ick?
Kids say the darndest things
AITAH for allowing my 6 year old to call his grandmother prejudice?
“I didn’t hear no bell…”
I thought I had seen the whole Dee Day episode..