40 + 1 weeks & I’m over it!
Me, today, at 41+3, still pregnant
Anxiety 40 weeks
When did you go into labor and what caused you
What “go-to” response or comment do you find the most annoying?
Working till your due date
Does your Aussiedoodle follow you from room to room? If so, how do you feel about it?
Question about taxes on an LLC
1 week pp.
Anterior placenta
How much exercise does your Aussiedoodle need per day? What happens if they don't get quite that much?
When did you feel baby move with an anterior placenta?
diana 2024 retrospective
Do you nickname your AD?
Pepper. She’s super crazy and couldn’t imagine her any other way.
The best pup I could've asked for.
What happens to your boobs?
Dog sensing labour approaching?
When are you starting leave?
I graduated! 🎂
For those who are no longer sick....
When are you having your baby shower?
Does your dog know you’re pregnant?
Skin biopsy Austin Texas no insurance
Daycare in South Austin