SLPT: Don’t wear make up the day before calling in “sick”
Don’t wear make up the day before you call out sick of work
One brain cell each or one brain cell for all?
LPT How to quiet stomach rumbling in public
Poop on the floor….
This is Tuppy. He's sad because I scolded him for scratching the couch.
first time pug owner! any advice for crating at night? he always wants to sleep on me!
AITA for making all of my kids take quiet time in the afternoons
Lucille, 12, died of eclampsia 2 days after giving birth.
My families ongoing experience with the collapsing BC healthcare system
Name suggestions? I have two other pugs named Claude and Oliver and would like a name that goes with them! This one is a boy as well.
What should I do with the weird nook by the entry stairs? It's too high to use as a sitting ledge, and there is a functional light on the inside. It's a weird spot because we only pass by as we enter and leave.
BC Children’s 9hr wait time last night
100k USD a year but you become naked for exactly ONE second at a random time each month.
Eeeekkkk I hope it never ends!!
Vancouver's Roller Girl's rollerblades have been stolen
Do you remember breastfeeding?
A dress worn by Queen Victoria in her later years
Sometimes the last name makes all the difference
I accidently accused my wife of cheating on me, but actually it was just my daughter - and now we may divorce.
Vancouver Police are warning the public that Scott Mackay, 61, a high-risk sex offender, will be residing in Vancouver and poses a significant risk to women in the community, including sex workers.
I usually skip the episodes where they can walk
Season 12, ep 5-Roses Journey. Dr.Now was an ass.
Came across this randomly and thought of this sub