Anyone else get this auto-reply from Bandai?
Sword day all out just to review
Custom SSj4 Gogeta
They adding salt to the wound😭
Yes everything from lighting week is gone, it sucks.
Finally found them! Huge addition to my collection.
Super 17 went from a figure I had no interest in to one of my favourite Dragon Ball releases.
KW Toys Cell Jr’s PREORDER
6x6" Planet Namek Dio Commissioned For The Bro
If we ever do get a updated Perfect Cell, how much should he go for and what should he come with?
Hold the line!
My FF Cell's Leg broke on me yesterday. I did this to cope.
Now there's three of them???
One of the prettiest in my modest nihonto collection
Little $120 mini haul from facebook marketplace
Cold Empire
Shadows actually has TWO foreign protagonists, yasuke and naoe
Thoughts on my current setup?
Show me your best 2 character pairings!
Diama Vegeta Found in Wild (Target)
Nice surprise find at Target last night!
Doesn't exactly scream quality...
Prob a dumb question