Ever wondered if Tarnished got ptsd from his battles?
was this a real thing?
Castle Sol in a nutshell...
…. Right ?
Choose one to protect you. The rest will try to kill you.
I just want the damm chest...
Some messages are absolute cinema
Ghost of Ashina
Just a I thought Wicked Smart was expensive to max...
What should my 8th character be?
If Midra was that powerful being a lord of frenzied flame. how powerful would the tarnished be as THE lord of frenzied flame?
My friend keeps a logbook of all the people she invades day by day. Should I be afraid of her?
New players be like
The duality of Bug-shrimp men
So, who's the best base game Dragon?
I think I used up all my luck for the year...
What is the name of the weapon that looks like this?
Could Godrick have gone the distance?
I don’t think people realize how much taller all the enemies are than you.
Which do you guys think is the best humanoid boss, do you think it still Gael and if so why?
"You are what you eat"
For a possible sequel, which ending should be canon in your opinion?
"I've become what I swore to destroy "
Which NPC did it take every ounce of your willpower not to kill on your first playthrough?
What is your favorite spell?