Elon Musk, nou atac la adresa României: „Rețeaua Soros și USAID subminează democrația în România”
Butter lettuce replenishes itself every 1-2 weeks, so you can grow one little plant and have salad for free
US defaultism is just as annoying as male defaultism
american here: despise trump. where the hell do i start the shift?
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"Reddit is an American page for mostly american users", but with more words
Married women of Reddit, Is your vote in danger?
Merino repair
E timpul sa strangem randurile, sa cumparam produse europene.
What's worse than having no pants?
Creating a women only community.
This scene should be talked about more when discussing fratricide on the show
Invest in Europe arms manufacturers
Our Ancient Law Dictate that whoever takes over the reign as Sultan... (Wondering how and who passed this law and how was this according to Islamic Shariah)
What is the weirdest thing a guy has mansplained to you?
Noul trend de pe TikTok: Românii dau foc la zăpadă ca să arate că este falsă
I’m childfree but I’ve given birth
Administrația Trump îi presează pe oficialii români să permită candidatura lui Călin Georgescu la alegerile prezidențiale, scrie Bloomberg
European Defense Stocks - not ETF
Don't bother with wipes from the toilet paper isle if you regularly buy them. You'll likely get way more wipes for lot less money if you go to the baby isle. The baby ones are also bigger (51 inches squared vs 49 inches squared).
Consultanți de investii
Mordechai Brafman, an American Jewish man shoot two men in Florida thinking they were Palestinians. They were in fact Israeli jewish tourists.
To be rich and exploit the system
Feminist Conservative
O parere despre o mentalitate diferita