Top 3 Guitar Riffs?
What's a Pop Punk Cover of a non Pop Punk song thats better than the original?
English versions of foreign songs
songs with a *clap clap* in them
Songs with a one note solo or one note melody
Songs Where The Vocalist Talks To The Studio Crew
Favorite song off every album?
What is the best game of these genres? (whatevers the most popular gets a drawing of within the box)
[Rant] Cab hogging at SM Baguio City Quantum
Songs where the chorus is just someone yelling
Songs that would be really funny to insert in the middle of a sex jams playlist
Songs that are only punctuation/symbols
Songs About a Certain Day
This is quite fun…🤣🥰
Songs where the chorus (or other) would be completely censored in a clean version
albums with a white border
Look what I found on r/notinteresting
Songs that will cause a lot of damage (Literally)
Songs where the singer is mad at their parent(s)
Songs that have made you cry
Songs that mention religion but aren’t religions
songs about sentient instruments
GOTCHA! (songs where the mood switches out of nowhere)
Reverse of a recent post: songs that have swears in them that Spotify didn’t catch to mark as explicit
Adam's Balls
All I want for Christmas is balls