Which is your favorite Insurance commercial character
Damn right I'm judging you for this. Who you got?
Pop punk/Emo/Rock from 2005
Anybody else watch He-Man as a kid? WWSD?
Modern Rock Billboard Chart March 10 2001
Is there any history of reading Genesis 15:5 as Yahweh saying Abraham’s seed will become divine in some sense?
Does a Scholar’s Statement of Faith Impact Your Trust in Their Work?
Deutero-Isaiah in BOM
Recommended public/academical book on the OT prophets
Vacation Ideas
What felt like your last nostalgic year?
I tried getting back into a childhood card game and got lost
Who remembers the hype? Godzilla 98.
The struggle was real!
“This next one is called ‘Everything Hurts’”
What is the origin of the Sodom narrative? Might Sodom have been a historical city?
Elder Millennials, did you interact with Gen X growing up?
If someone described "that whistle/whistling song," what song comes to mind?
I wanted nothing more than this bad boy for Christmas when I was 7. I never got it.
N64 Rerelease--is this for real?
Uh guys... 😲
What are good introductory books on the current state of documentary/supplementary hypothesis theories?
This is gonna be unpopular but... we have too much nostalgia maybe?
Would your 17 year old self be impressed or disappointed with where you are now? Why or why not?
Past gens relying on sitcoms post work makes sooo much sense now.