What would be the fan cast of Spider-Man's 3 most important love interests?
They believe that a good live action that adapts their relationship well would help the perception that many people have of their relationship.
If you were to make a live-action Spider-Man, what stage of the character would you like to adapt?
E-cards for Marvel Valentine's Day
I would like to see MJ being more of a mother, I feel like that's the only thing Hickman hasn't explored yet.
What do you think Peter and MJ did after swinging around town?
These 3 books share the same goal, and only one of them was unsuccessful, guess which one?
8 Deaths discussion
Wouldn't anyone like to have a “Renew your vows” but with Felicia, simply out of curiosity about how the comic will do in sales?
There are people who really dislike MJ's characterization in USM
Say something positive about Paul Rabin. I challenge you.
How do we tell them?
MJ in Frendly Neighborhood Spider-Man
Relationship between Spider-Man and MJ
Art By: Jennypond
Is that MJ? (real doubt)
The difference between USM and ASM is summarized with just 2 images
Into the MJ-Verse
Question about Wells Spider-Man
USM outsells Absolute Wonder Woman and ASM.
This MJ is very underrated
More circus MJ! Art by @lunchuanweizhi
Characters changed in adaptations where it overtook the original character in comics for you.
Hickman could give us teen dramas like OG USM, but now with Peter's son.
It's incredible that we are going to celebrate the 60th birthday of one of the most important civilian characters in comics and the best love interests, and the best thing you can do for her is eliminate the cancer that is killing her called "Paul"