Men who have slept with women you don't actually like - how come?
Has anyone ever changed their mind about wanting to have kids?
How long til ED ruins a relationship for you?
Would it be weird or odd to reach out to an old co-worker for something like coffee?
Do the men on reddit make you feel worse or better about men in general?
How do I tell the girl Im seeing that her BPD isn't an excuse to treat people like sh*t and that I'm never going to apologize for how I react to being treated like garbage?
When you realised you wanted to get married, why was it?
How would you respond to this message?
Tactics to stop relying on sex while having BPD?
Addiction is common among people diagnosed with BPD. Is anyone on this subreddit willing to share their experience with addiction? (of any kind)
Does anyone ever punish themselves or have you ever punished yourselves?
What are symptoms that suddenly made sense once you got bpd?
Recovering from addiction related to BPD
Will he ever feel bad about using me?
Antibiotics: read this if you have taken antibiotics and struggle with insomnia
I can't stop feeling guilty for ending a relationship that wasn't right
Does the trust ever come back?
tips to get over a break-up (when you’ve been dumped)
When does it get better
Anybody else not looking forward to the holidays?
How to handle conflict with an ADHD partner
Is this part of ADHD, or just selfishness?