Why do they keep giving such bakeries to the graysons
Invincible account managers are evil 😭
A little disappointed that they didn’t add this little moment
Anna x Lee chaolan by @Uirusu_chan
Who would you say is the most attractive girl from the Craig era?
Reminder that Aegon and Helaena have an entire family that the show literally just sidelined (including an entire boy that the show straight up erased from existence)
House of Rhaenyra mods back at it again
The Death of Maekar I during the Peake Rebellion
The Death of Simon de Monfort by Ramon Acedo
Second Tier Bond Girls Elimination Game Day 6: Cigar Girl couldn't be protected from reddit, pick the next to eliminate!
I really wanna know what is it with RGG and making girls who appear for 3 seconds max the most beautiful people ever
Just whatever
King Maegor I Targaryen by TheMarkyGallery
Ten year invincible
Not only did my girl Throwbolt survived, but she took down 2 of them!
The (other) World's Finest I want in JL. Courtesy of Andy Price.
Emma D’Arcy and Olivia Cooke talked the relationship between Rhaenyra and Alicent at the HotD FYC event.
Which character do you think will be dedicated an entire episode in season 3?
What are in your opinion the most underserving movies to be in the billion category at the box office?
Dangerous Dames Day 13: Margery Tyrell
Aegon by lopataFour
Kiki, Asuka, and Alisa. Toriyama style (by @1d1htr)
Akame isn't real it can't hurt you Akame:
I was wondering if someone can make a CoA based on the coronation cloak of the HRE (originally the imperial mantle of Roger II of Sicily)
The rarest of EFAP events.