If I could show DICE a single image to describe what we don’t want in the new Battlefield it would be this.
The leaked system prompt has people extremely uncomfortable
Jetzt Grafikkarte kaufen?
With the new leaks can we talk about this forgotten gem
I killed a pilot with a knife 😭
Finally, futuristic content for the futuristic game.
Posts being auto removed?
Subreddit's big confusion between movement speed and animations
I want the Premium Pass system to return for Battlefield 6.
Battlefield 6 gunsmith?
Who's the best smart girl?
64GB DDR5 für 104€
EA should bring the PC version of BF3 to Xbox and PS5
Rainbow Six Siege Reveal Megathread
Yep, the Buck is basically me. I'm a Caveira magnet
This is an unedited snippet from the new trailer... (sound on)
Battlefield 2042
(leaked) managed to get a screenshot of Atheino accidentally leaking seige x
She said WHAT?
Tank rodeo is pretty sick I hope they let you shoot and repair as well
What is one battlefield map that is very popular and beloved by the community that you hate?
Spectre Divide to end service within 30 days, developer Mountaintop to close
The fluid feel and look of bf is dead
Bridge is closed on Narva
The game didn't have to expose me like that 💀