Shout out to Let me Poke him for tanking the shit out of radahn !! U saved me after 100 try
Why is my pre-ordered DLC 9GB instead of 16GB ? Is it just provisory ?
It's time for BloodBorne 2/remastered right ? ... right ?
Do you think we'll be able to toss the Chakrams like boomerangs?
What enemy is the bane of your existence in Elden Ring? For me; Revanents are literal hellspawn who coded themselves into a video game.
Favorite Elden Ring Boss? (Pre-DLC ofc)
The Trailer SoundTrack is definitely a Boss Theme
What is a must-have for easier playthroughs?
Is that the hardest regular enemy in the game ?!
Which Soulsborne protagonist has the likely hood of defeating or at least going toe to toe with this tough mf?
Am I the only who thought Mogh was much more difficult than Malenia?
I finally defeated Malenia, I need to speak about this experience ...
Why the hell its played on the same time ?!?!
Best Level Day 6 - Sekiro: Comment with most upvotes wins
One Piece: Chapter 1110
Chosen Undead won !! Time for 'D' ...
Blaidd the Half-Wolf won !! Let's go for 'C' ...
Artorias the Abysswalker won !! Next is 'B' ...
What Character does 'A' stands for ? (Most upvoted win)
You guys won't want to hear this but it's not Dragon Slayer!
Which was your favorite duo fight?
Please convince me to not give this up
I guess I'll go fuck myself
Was this known before??