Best (completed) finished Manga series under 100€?
Any 300pp map suggestions
I've been playing 7k for a couple months now and I'm having a LOT of fun :3
If you're going to instalock DPS
Looking for anime with strong protagonist
Asked for a name change via e-mail, and they actually gave me one. Amazing DEVS.
*Boss Theme Tunes Begins Playing*
all 10 fingers
How many hours did it take you to get to lord proficiency?
Second 300pp play!
First 300pp play (happy it isn't triumph & regret)
I think I might be tripping or something
My vision gets really blurry.
Who else thinks the difficulty on this map are rated too low?
What do you think of burst notes in the middle of streams?
omg i just cleared galaxy collapse for the first time :33333 (also reached top 20k)
anyone know where to find a million chord jack maps?
Do you guys stutter when alone ?
Question about DLC in lobbies with Friends
Which DLC packs are worth getting?
what song to play for talent show
Need tips on chordjacks, I suck
Don't tell me I'm the only one...
What DLC is your all-time favorite?
Choose only one Waifu in all of anime