I guess the Vatican doesn't need a Harvard doctor to tell them who's alive and who's dead
Dead Pope Hammer
Novosadjani jel imate vode posle ponoći??
Why Netflix? Why are you the way you are ?
Recent interaction in work (Rule)
On a scale from 1-10
Ho ho ho! It's me, Manta Claus! Tomorrow I will be giving presents to everyone! But first I need to finish my lists! Comment your last saved image and I will determine whether you belong in the nice or naughty list!
Bad crop?
S3 finale
Direktor Jovine gimnazije Radivoje Stojković kleči i moli se dok je škola u blokadi
Theirs a berserk game??
Nemoj nikad da budeš Milovan
Classic Tehnomanija experience...
This is either going to be really sad or really funny
Gde je i šta radi desnica?
Ovo nije protest niti demonstracija kao i za prethodne proteste kojim se nije postiglo ništa. Boli njih uvo za te otiske i sto im narod nešto viče! Mora to sve drugačije. Zna se sta su demonstracija i revolucija.
My co-teacher and I were supposed to do a costume together for Halloween - but they bailed on our original idea so in retaliation I came in as Dave
Random VHS tape sent to me. Return address is my home address as I’m at college
Metal tube being polished on a buffing machine.
European fuse box
What hand tool modifications have you created?
Yeah, I'm Bat!
Jel imate problema sa smrdibubama?