Game requires a mouse
Erm what the hell?
Don't be sad.
I don't want to panic anybody, but....has the end of the World started?
Patch Notes from PS5
How I play NMS
This is gonna be interesting..
Squeex on being a good influence
Quentin Tarantino refuses to watch Toy Story 4 because he believes Toy Story 3 is one of the best movies he has ever seen and the perfect ending to the trilogy
Last mechanic of M2S with 8% remaining and healer walls, this is the explanation they give:
Can someone help me get avoid egg?
I'm gonna need some help figuring out what's wrong here.
Salvaged Frigate Modules?
Salvaged Frigate Moduels
Reminds me of something but I can't quite put my finger on it.
Not the smallest but still pretty cool i think.
I'm a deep-sea scavenger. There's something in my friend's diving suit. [Final]
This is what happens when you spam mokoko in chat and summon a maintenance (please stop this madness)
Weird new trend; please stop this
Preemptive Response: NFTs. NFTs are "the facepalm".
Girl cheats on guy and won't let him leave
Silly Question Sunday - 23 January
How to sell my GPH quickly?
Saw this in an old vod and thought it was too good to not post.
The strangest of all Drugs