Someone needs to stop these guys from slavering the "cotorras"
What do you cook when you don't feel like cooking?
What’s a non-physical quality that can make someone instantly unattractive, no matter how good they look?
Do the firms hiring here in Spain discriminate on the basis of race?
Do you shower in the morning or night and why?
[Infinite Mage] I want a manhwa like infinite mage but from Rian's side you know? Something about swordsmen.
[Infinite Mage] Rian *Spoilers Up Ahead*
People should give Si An a break
What is a lot harder than people realize ?
Ladies, what is your butt vs boobs equivalent with men?
What do you think of India?
What food should I order in Spain if i don’t like seafood?
Now that the show is over, what are your overall thoughts on the show?
this is the most invested i've ever been in a survival show
judges know stuff
Can I be banned re entering Spain if...
More dates 👀👀
Caught some shots of the fog rolling in along Barcelona's seaside
Executive Paid Resume - This is the result.
Todo el mundo llorando, como siempre
Size of empires and large countries
“Nothing to declare” closed in Airport T2 today.