Can You Guess My Favorite Scent?
4 different CDNIM
Doritos from overseas trip
Should i give it a try?
Your shower Before and after Pine Tar
Destroying property
What Fragrances You Will Repurchase Again and Again?
Thoughts on this cheapie?
Discount Auto Sales?
Mexico Doritos!
Throwing Them Away
Majhol dates filled with smoked tuna
10 for 40$ at Avon Walmart in MA, still got a bunch left for 4$. Very grateful for my man posting the display earlier on this sub. Not all heroes wear capes.
Need help finding a subtle fresh scent for my teen son.
New main line soaps found in Meijer
7.5KG Haul just come
How toilet water splashed into my mouth this one time
I just ordered this yesterday. Does anybody have any reviews on it?
Happy New Year Amigos!
Christmas Gifts
Bought this for my girlfriend, we broke up today.
Went a little bit crazy at Burlington
Hidden surprise