why 121 over 91?
Damn bro
Rate my Credit card setup as an 18 yrs old
What is your rich car?
What company consistently puts out bad product but still makes a lot of money?
What is a slight sign that someone is intelligent?
Which would you rather buy a new car every 6-12 years or a used 3-5 year old car every 3-5 years?
What improvements would you like to see in the cockpit?
How do you cope?
What's a privilege people act as if it isn't??
A lot of you replied that you’re happy in this career, what other careers do you know of with a similar lifestyle and/or happiness level?
"I may have ruined my life at only 24 👍 (an ATP story) " Update 1 Year Later
Losing motivation
How many hours a week should I fly when going for a PPL?
Have you ever taken a short hiatus from flight training? I’d love opinions on my situation.
CFI POLL: Three or Tree? Five Or Fife?
How does the general public think people become airline pilots?
Airline pilots on reserve side jobs.
Sun n Fun or Oshkosh
Younger guys in the 121 world, do you ever feel like it’s a lonely job when everyone you work with is a lot older?
What amazes you in aviation?
So I have 29 days off this month...
Captain upgrade, 6 months later...some experiences, and looking to the future
Grossed $62K my first year. 40hr work weeks. My goal for 2024 is $75K-$80K.
advice for my son?