Bad ratings hurt me. What could I be doing wrong?
Order for 1 pack of gum from 7 eleven I knew something was off.
Overcoming call anxiety - tips?
Tripping in a dream???
What’s this phone scam?
Re-Entering Insurance Sales after 2 year break is
Can we take a moment to appreciate the homecoming enemy and boss design
Saw where someone was showing that one card they always have to buy.
Fixing walls
Does your natural mental “point of view” mean anything?
Did I get scammed?
What do you do with your shrooms?
Pyramid head cosplay
Seeking career change and lost. Can you help?
Union/Trade Careers - Where to Start
Getting through tsa
Methods for curbin' the come-up?
I want to go over the 2 gram mark but I’m kinda scared
The daily grind, no time for mind
What moment ruined the entire show for you? I’ll go first.
Meditation is getting intense
Is this contam?
Blursed cake
What is the psychological idea of being scared to take your dose?
Yin Yang represents a double torus