COVID Wasn’t About a Virus, It Was a Global Obedience Experiment, and It Worked.
Give me your best conspiracies I want to go down the rabbit hole
Trump State Department official has called for mass sterilization of ‘low-IQ trash’
Are libs actually this deep into their own manufactured BS or is it some deep state agenda to keep people in a perpetual state of distress?
Ohio lawmakers prepare to introduce ‘Contraception Begins at Erection Act’
'Contraception Begins at Erection Act'
Confirmed: U.S. to Establish Task Force to Declassify Federal Secrets, Including the JFK Assassination and UFOs
NOW - U.S. House Oversight Committee announces "Task Force on the Declassification of Federal Secrets" in relation to UFOs, 9/11, Epstein, JFK, the origins of COVID-19 and more.
Federal judge: jury to determine whether Victor White committed suicide in back of police unit
Nervous system manipulation by electromagnetic fields from monitors
Dont forget
“Tao is God”?
Who is going to be next in line?
The World bank
eLoN iS tHe RiChEsT mAn iN tHe wOrLd
Boys for Sale: Child trafficking ring in the U.S. (Clean Sound+HD)
Fauci started COVID with Gain of Function Research and just got pardoned for mass murder.
The Blue Beam Project and Brainwashing
Project Blue Beam
The names and locations of some of the major institutions involved in MONARCH programming experimentation were/are:
Monoceros Constellation Collapsing
The German Experiment That Placed Foster Children with Pedophiles