After replaying Ds3 again, here's my ranking of all the bosses
My ranking of every boss in all Soulsbornes I've played
Am I weird for finding Eigong odly attractive?
What are your best ones?
How my brother grips the controller
This is more annoying than the dogs, don’t even try to change my mind
Can I see y’all best screen shot?
give him a name
Whos the most underrated boss in your opinion (heres mine)
How do I update games after downloading the repack?
This problem keeps happening to me and I keep asking about it and it keeps happening
Rise of The Ronin will probably come to pc, right?
Who would win?
I know I'm not the first to say this but I'm surprised.
I was perma banned for this qwq
Just finished DS3, and gotta say, the second one was better
Why is Spider-Man Miles Morales laggy?
No no no no no. Not again. Please no
Is this fucker beatable without parrying?
Anybody else do this?
Is there something wrong with Gwyn's fight?
Why is this game so much harder than dark souls (Small rant)
I feel like Bloodborne being 30fps is overhated
Bed of Chaos is easy?😭
I'm confused about the Chaos Blade.