Definitely the weakest season, and honestly just barely above average. It definitely feels like Urobuchi had to cram everything into the season, and even then I'm not sure how they're going fit all the remaining plot points within a 90-minute movie.
I like Rozen Maiden.
How much more explicit will the yuri elements in the new anime be?
The yuyus will get drunk and assault Yui tonight. Will you join them?
I just watched this movie last night and I cried so hard.
Will we see her again in 2025?
This Promo image most likely confirms Master of Flame will be adapted in the remake. It's the only time all of the Juppongatana are on the Rengoku.
Why haven't they announced a season 2 yet?
When did you realize that My Hero Academia was a masterpiece?
Why did the Sonic OVA flop in Japan?
So I finally caught up and finished S4.
This anime is art. There’ll never be anything that’ll be able to replicate the experience I had watching it for the first time.
Vinland saga slowly but surely became one of the best anime I've ever watched.
Why does the author keep introducing new characters while barely developing any of them and taking time away from the main couple?
Revolutionary Girl Utena is a must-watch in my opinion, but at the same time it might not appeal to everybody...
How many episodes are they planning to release?
Narenare Cheer For You is such a gem, and its a shame there's barely any discussion about it.
The Elusive Samurai is so good I genuinely accidentally fell down a real Japanese history rabbit hole.
I started watching "Senpai ga Uzai Kouhai no Hanashi" today.
Was Fu a good character?
The first 3 episodes were very intriguing, but I’m increasingly losing interest as the show goes on and I’m not sure why.
Is Renya Karasuma the real boss?
What is your favorite route?
Sket Dance was a hidden gem when I discovered it. Still my favorite comedy anime ever.
Lots of good memories of watching this anime on Cartoon Network in the early 2000s!