Non Title Tracks that say the name of the Album
Some America WWII bad found in this very sub
The answer is neither mathematically nor realistically true
Ridiculously long band names
HUGE last minute win against #2 little brother!
Bob can outspeed Kyurem-white!!!
False Endings
Introducing Exposed: a new Status condition I came up with!
Based on your birth month, you have 1 hour to teach the SpongeBob character how to use and play a PlayStation 5, with any game of your choice!
AI Sex robot is going to replace porn and hookers sooner than later
I definitely don't care
How we can make bug type better
OP fell for bait (it’s making fun of those kinds of posts)
Surely people who spend their days cry-wolfing to the west how some all evil invader is trying to erase their identity, would have an identity right? right???
Reddit is now praising the Chinese State media. How dumb can they get?
Thank you
You think just having a 4x weakness is bad?
J.D. Vance is 108 years younger than Herbert Hoover, who could have met an 18 year old Donald Trump.
Biggest fall-off of an item I can think of
Would Teddy be a republican if he showed up today?
Songs that namedrop the album but arent named after the album
this is bound to cause a ruckus...
That’s one way to explain why the characters never aged
Sorry for my stupidity, but could each colored section be considered an island?
You're facing Tom Brady in the Super Bowl, it's the 4th quarter and you need a game winning drive. Who do you want at QB?