Does anyone know what these are?
Met my new neighbor today
You can tell they didn’t open it up while pricing
Bought first house and regret it due to noise
What movies prominently feature dogs where the dog doesn’t die an untimely death?
Found this one in my courtyard area this morning. Could barely fly away. Advice?
My new absolute favourite thing is to record my husband snoring and then play it in in his ear
Good afternoon. I have some thing really bothering
What is it like to go for a hip Mri?
"If you feel thirsty in the class then drink from your own bottle," the father said to his little daughter while dropping her in front of the school.
How stupid can she be?
My scary uncle forced my parents to make me go live with him and he's making me feel very sad and anxious.
This is the coolest thing ever
3 is better than 1!
Was up mam tor at 7am this morning, any idea why there was probably 200 people up there? Some drinking champagne!
Update: I spoke to my entitled roommate concerning my cooking.
What the actual fuck?
Last square 🥳 who is a horrible person and hated by fans?
Through the looking glass
What are the names of your grandparents? Names from older generations are hardly used these days, but they are still oh so beautiful and unique!
Ketchup theft 🍅
People like Reiss are the most dangerous
Found out today that my ex LL has rented out my flat again but he hasn’t yet returned my deposit
What scent kicks off the most random memories for you?
How do the English view New England