Been wanting to get into reading. Have never read the Malazan series but have heard it’s one of the better fantasy books out there today but also very dense. Would you recommend it for someone who is not an avid reader?
[WaT] Why is no one talking about ___?
What is the most OP build at level 150
What are your Hot Takes on WOT?
WaT spoilers
Question about Taravangian
I Cosplayed as a Building!
Best Couple in the Cosmere?
So... Jezrien.
This is how I see the state of rugby currently (explanation in the comments)
Caleb Clarke knock down
Help my met n naam vir my nuwe kat
Apparently MAGA Churches Are A Real Thing
What should I read to prep for Wind and Truth?
Any 60’s - 70’s rock recommendations?
Worth Anything?
Someone told me they saw this during the SA v AB game in the crowds, are these really allowed lol and how much are they per unit ??
Twinkle twinkle little star, the sun is not a star.
All Blacks + South Africa Ruin Ireland Conspiracy
The Best Fantasy Fight Scene In A Book or Series?
I’m reading The Gunslinger right now and I’m so confused lol. Can someone explain?
Mom loses it over Lifetime Fitness incident involving underaged daughter in swimsuit
Which fighter has the coolest nickname in UFC history?
What's the most spiritual place in SA?
mAgA ScIeNtIsT DeLcArEs wAr oN WoKe wAtEr