::Weekly Victory/Success Thread::
Colombian travel
Physics, General Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry in CRNA school
Dinner in San Jose del Cabo
How often do you go?
How many hours a week do you study outside of school?
Which class should I start with?
Changes in body
Accepted.. Now what?
Best items for very long flights?
plan for crna school as a high school student
Caring about others vs their partner
Cardiology PA making 120K… is this worth it?
Do you want to be buried, cremated, or be placed in a mausoleum after death?
Medellin to Providencia
First Shadowing Experience Tips
Nurse to perfusionist
Advice on how I can get in first cycle.
Why am I seeing high SVO2 so often?
What keeps you in a relationship with your ADHD partner?
Is Cabo safe?!?
Study schedule
How do I know if I’m overdoing it with my Anki cards?
Completing a conversation