Purchased the most beautiful onion today
Landlord tossed my washing machine
What even is this? Don't even want to be seen anymore.
[Product Request] I look tired, have hyperpigmentation, and swollen upper cheeks
Massage Therapist
Sex before recommended (LEEP)
i was fucked by a 30 year old man when i was 8.
Smoking weed with tobacco
I just killed my kitten on accident
My girlfriend is checking how much I cum because she thinks I watch porn. Isn't that crazy?
Doctor’s office receptionist told mom that I (25) have no contact with that I was at the doctors yesterday, are they allowed to do that?
Realized my boyfriend likely groomed me when I was young and now I don't know how to leave.
What is the required treatment for my acne scarring or is it hopeless
AITA for telling my roomates I’m only paying 1/4 of the rent+utilities going forward
How trash is WMUR
Raped at a year and a half by my dad
my (29M) wife's (27F) family insists our one sided open relationship is abusive. How do I deal with this issue?
What are some things to do in Concord with a dog?
What causes these lines? I do a lot of moisture. (Im 28)
I gave my very stoic roommate flowers for his birthday and his reaction almost broke me
AITAH because I told my sister that I wouldn't help her leave the state to get a medical procedure she is actively against until she told our parents.
eli5: When you adopt a child, why do you have to pay so much money?